How to make a case study in strategic management?

In the face of all the technological innovations and globalization, companies usually have to rethink their strategies and the way they approach the environment. The training of future staff is, therefore, a fundamental point in order to ensure their effectiveness. In the labour market, students are currently facing a more competitive environment as the quality of training does not guarantee them a secure and stable job. Find out in this guide how to do a case study in strategic management.

Strategic management

Strategic management usually enables a company to cope with changes in the market, be they social, technological, cultural, economic or organizational. In this case, the a manager must be trained in strategic management. To define the company's course of action for the coming years, strategic management studies many elements such as the market in which the company is positioned, competing companies, the target clientele, the profile and motivation of the personnel. Furthermore, the evaluation of the intrinsic strengths of a company and its environment helps determine the solutions to be put in place to boost and maintain customers’ confidence.

The case study

This is the study of a specific subject, such as a person or a company, through all the data collected for analysis, where data is used to confirm the hypotheses. If this case study is part of the course exercise, then it addresses an analysis of the company or a specific system. The main objectives of this procedure are the application of theoretical knowledge and the development of analytical skills. The student's view of the data set therefore must be objective. The trainee may not need to do any further research. However, statements do not contain any questions. It is up to the student to identify and answer the question.

What to analyse in a case study

It is important to analyse the performance of the company under study, the type of structure and style of governance, the production organisation, its strategic skills, and resources, its strategic approach, the strategy adopted by its managers and its financial structure. In order to proceed with the analysis of these points, the student must have at his/her disposal certain tools such as the business plan, the management charts, the strategic segmentation, the training budget, the social and financial indicators, etc.

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